~ Rena Traxel is hosting A to Z Poetry on her blog. I was excited to find it because I had a very similar idea but, of course, I waited too long to put it into action. Now I have the best of both worlds - I get to participate without all the work (sorry Rena)!
Here's a bit about the challenge:
Starting with the letter 'A' on April 1, 2012 write a poem based on that day's lesson and challenge. There are 26 letters in the alphabet so you will create 26 poems in the month of April. Take Sundays off to revise (except for Sunday, April 1). If you have kids get them involved.

I used to be afraid to take on writing challenges because I didn't think I could keep up with the demand. I surprised myself and did pretty well. What I've written may not be my best work but they're starts and who knows what they'll grow into. I actually have a story I love that I thought of during National Picture Book Idea Month (NaPiBoIdMo) and finished writing during 12X12 in 2012. Even if you don't end up writing a poem a day, I guarantee you'll write more than if you didn't take these challenges.
So, what are you waiting for - go on - sign up NOW!
** I found a fabulous list on Jamma's Alphabet Soup. I bet she didn't wait until the last minute to put her list together! Darn you, procrastination gene!!!